


  • Window Cleaning

  • Pressure Washing

  • Gutter Cleaning

*Estimates provided are within +- 30% based on information provided

What type of property do you need a quote for?

Select which services you're looking for.

Style of Home

What is the square footage of your home?

Do you have a garage that needs to be done?

How big is your garage?

Do you have a walkout basement?

Please provide any additional information about your home so we can provide a more accurate estimate

Who can we send the estimate too?

Please provide your address so we can view it on maps to account for any variables that may apply to your estimate

Due to the size of your project, please contact us here

Estimate for contact.name
for contact.service


*Estimates within +- 20%

Like Your estimate? Book Your Service Below

Estimate Breakdown

Gutter Cleaning: gutter quote

Power Washing: window quote

Window Cleaning: pressure quote

Interior Window Cleaning: pressure quote

Total Estimate: quote

Home Information Given

Style of Home: style_of_home

Square Footage: square_footage_radio

Garage Type: garage_type

Garage Size: garage_size

Walkout Basement: walkout

Additional Information: message

Due to the size of your property, we will need to create a custom quote for you.

We have all your information and we will get back to you with a quote as as possible

About Calgary Property Services Inc.

A message from Burton Wiebe - CEO

"I started Calgary Property Services because I wanted to run a business that allows others to spend their time with friends, family, and doing the things that really matter in life - not property maintenance. It's also a business that gives friendly personable service to people who, for one reason or another, aren't able to do chores such as cleaning windows and gutters."

We believe in good honest work at a fair price.

Contact Us

Inquire About Our Services or Request a Quote

Calgary Property Services Inc

7211 20A Street SE

Calgary, AB T2C 0R9


Valid Business Liability Insurance & WCB

Need Lawn Care?


A division of Calgary Property Services

All Electric Lawn Care

Maintaining a beautiful outdoor space is hard work, let us do the work for you without the use of high polluting gas powered equipment!

  • Spring & Fall Cleanups

  • Lawn Maintenance

  • Fertilizer & Weed Control

  • Pruning

Contact Us

Inquire About Our Services or Request a Quote

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Calgary Property Services Inc

7211 20A Street SE

Calgary, AB T2C 0R9


Valid Business Liability Insurance & WCB